2014 में केंद्र में राजग की सरकार होगी : नितिन - Live Aaryaavart (लाईव आर्यावर्त)


प्रबिसि नगर कीजै सब काजा । हृदय राखि कौशलपुर राजा।। -- मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी। द्रवहु सुदसरथ अजिर बिहारी ।। -- सब नर करहिं परस्पर प्रीति । चलहिं स्वधर्म निरत श्रुतिनीति ।। -- तेहि अवसर सुनि शिव धनु भंगा । आयउ भृगुकुल कमल पतंगा।। -- राजिव नयन धरैधनु सायक । भगत विपत्ति भंजनु सुखदायक।। -- अनुचित बहुत कहेउं अग्याता । छमहु क्षमा मंदिर दोउ भ्राता।। -- हरि अनन्त हरि कथा अनन्ता। कहहि सुनहि बहुविधि सब संता। -- साधक नाम जपहिं लय लाएं। होहिं सिद्ध अनिमादिक पाएं।। -- अतिथि पूज्य प्रियतम पुरारि के । कामद धन दारिद्र दवारिके।।

शनिवार, 26 मई 2012

2014 में केंद्र में राजग की सरकार होगी : नितिन

भाजपा में नेतृत्व का बदलता चेहरा

नितिन गडकरी ने शुक्रवार को कहा कि उनकी पार्टी के नेतृत्व वाला राष्ट्रीय जनतांत्रिक गठबंधन (राजग) 2014 के आम चुनाव के बाद केंद्र में सत्तारूढ़ होगा। यहां दो दिन से चल रही राष्ट्रीय कार्यकरिणी की बैठक की समाप्ति के बाद आयोजित जनसभा में हजारों लोगों की वाहवाही के बीच गडकरी ने कहा, "भाजपा के नेतृत्व वाली राजग सरकार अगले आम चुनाव के बाद केंद्र की सत्ता में आएगी। हम भारत को विश्व की महाशक्ति बनाने का दायित्व पूरा करेंगे।" उन्होंने कहा कि कांग्रेस के नेतृत्व वाली संयुक्त प्रगतशील गठबंधन (संप्रग) सरकार देश की छवि खराब करने के लिए जिम्मेदार है। भ्रष्टाचार हो या महंगाई या बेरोजगारी, सबके लिए केंद्र की गलत नीतियां जिम्मेदार हैं।

भाजपा अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि राजग सरकार जब सत्ता में आएगी तो देश के लोगों की सभी आकांक्षाएं पूरी होंगी। जनसभा को सम्बोधित करते हुए गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने व्यंग्यात्मक लहजे में कहा कि देश में एक 'निर्मल बाबा' सरकार है जो नई दिल्ली में है। ज्ञात हो कि निर्मल बाबा स्वयं को चमत्कारी पुरुष बताते हैं और इन दिनों धोखाधड़ी व फर्जीवाड़े के आरोपों का सामना कर रहे हैं। भारतीय रुपये के मूल्य में बेतहाशा गिरावट के लिए संप्रग सरकार को जिम्मेदार ठहराते हुए मोदी ने कहा कि इसके पीछे कुछ रहस्य है और अर्थशास्त्री से प्रधानमंत्री बने मनमोहन सिंह इस मुद्दे पर देश को जवाब दें।

मोदी को भाजपा के कुछ नेता प्रधानमंत्री पद के उम्मीदवार मानते हैं। मोदी ने केंद्र सरकार पर आरोप लगाया कि वह विपक्षी दलों के शासन वाले राज्यों के साथ 'नगरपालिका' की तरह व्यवहार कर रही है। उन्होंने कहा, "संप्रग सरकार अन्य दलों द्वारा शासित राज्यों के साथ नगरपालिका की तरह व्यवहार कर रही है। इस सरकार ने संवैधानिक ढांचे को जितना नुकसान पहुंचाया है, बीते 50 वर्षो के भीतर केंद्र की किसी भी अन्य पूर्ववर्ती सरकार ने ऐसा नहीं किया।" देर रात तक चली जनसभा में भाजपा के शीर्ष नेताओं के अलावा पार्टी शासित आठ राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री एवं विभिन्न राज्यों से आए पार्टी के नेता मौजूद थे। 

पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता लालकृष्ण आडवाणी और सुषमा स्वराज जनसभा में शामिल नहीं हुए।

7 टिप्‍पणियां:

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…


Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

What Bharat Need Today…
Following 10 Points Plan to be implemented to Up-Lift Bharat in all walks of being truly a great Nation:
1. Amend constitution to for Bharat to be Hindu Rashtra. Banning conversion to any other religion by law. The present constitution to be replaced with workable one to achieve the following Goals.
2. Non Hindus can stay In Bharat as ex-partites with restrictions to Voting & ownerships of properties or business. They may be allowed to remit out 66 % earnings.
3. Governance of country By 5 Zones namely North, South, East, West & Central.
4. Each person have to contribute to 4 + 4 + = total 8 years 4 years service to govt. by physical work in youth +4 years administrative work past age of 50 years against Lodging & boarding taken care of, by Govt. during service years. This be the tex paid to govt. All the other tax abolished completely
5. Education till present SSC + Sanskrit /16 years + 4 years Govt. service towards nation Building to One point National program ”To Provide Roti – Kapda –Makan” to all for free or interactive efforts by /to all. Higher studies from Vedic scriptures Via Mass media on daily basis to up-lift & sustain moral values in the society.
6. Built monumental exhibits giving knowledge of 4Vedas One each in each Zone + Upanishad in Central Zone & connect all road net work to reach it, Such that it all becomes cultural monuments to country people to know what they belong to + Touristic attractions to outsiders.
7. Fix price of essential commodities fro at lest 25 years & with marginal difference for next 25 years till all gain confidence to plan & work for their future; where ability becomes essence & money becomes always ever available resource that need not be put out of circulation by preservation. Money need to be made perishable.
8. Aurvadic medical practice to be promoted in interactive way run by “50 years + age” experts, available at low cost/high respect to practitioner available within community
9. “ Hand made in Bharat” to be promoted as respectable/valuable commodity, used by leaders & followers alike, Special respect to 50 years + age people so as to up-lift esteem of performers & elders.
10. To be reviewed after first 25 years, for next 25 years practice & implemented as national norms.
Such change can get Bharat out of Dark & in to brightness like from dark of sunrise to Bright after sunrise in morning….( short time like 8 min. as we experience every morning)Bharat will not need another 63 years that spent post independent as we are to get out of the present “DISHA SHUNY” stage as we are in, now + Poor.All of us will have up-lifted, resourceful life that is “Gift of GOD” “Free Of Cost”

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

Indias Money Back from Tax Havens: Congress caught in its own Web Stupefied by the strong endorsement all across the country of the demand that the money looted from India must be brought back, the Congress has tied itself in knots. Its spokesmen - led, as will be clear from the arguments they have advanced, by four lawyers - have given five reactions: Why is taking up this matter now, on the eve of elections? The GE-20 meeting was not the proper forum for taking up the issue. There is doubt about the figures. Why did the BJP government to replace FERA by FEMA, and thereby make the offences compoundable? Is not unwittingly alerting those with illegal money abroad to spirit it away from Switzerland to other tax havens? What was doing when it was in office? In any case there is doubt about the figures. The reactions betray panic as even the littlest reflection would have
shown the "arguments" to be indefensible. Let us consider them one by one. Why is taking up this matter now, on the eve of elections? The fact, of course, is that took up the matter with the Prime Minister in April last year. He wrote soon after it became known that the Government of Germany had succeeded in obtaining names of persons who had stashed money in the LGT Bank in Lichtenstein. The reply that the then Finance Minister, sent him showed that the Government intended to do little except keep going through the pretence of taking some steps. Soon thereafter, we were alarmed to learn that a senior official of the Finance Ministry had written to the then Indian Ambassador in Germany not to press the Germans for release of the names of Indians in the list that they had obtained from Lichtenstein -- lest the Germans take offence and conclude that they were being pressurized and their bona fides were being questioned! [This information was later confirmed by report filed by Amitabh Ranjan in The Indian Express of 31 March 2009.] Subsequently, we took up the matter in Parliament also. And yet the evasion, "Why now?" The GE-20 meeting was not the proper forum for taking up the issue. This customarily self-serving rationalization was put out by one of the Congress party's lawyers and spokesmen. At this very time the party was trying to insinuate that, actually speaking, the Prime Minister had taken up the matter at the G-20 Summit. As its spokesmen could not point to any statement he made either at the Summit itself or even at the press meet the PM had held after the Summit, they drew solace from a passing reference to the matter in the speech he had made at the dinner hosted by Gordon Brown.
In any case, if the G-20 Summit was not the right forum for taking up this matter, how is it that in the communiqué that the G-20 leaders issued on 2 April 2009, in paragraph 15, entitled, "Strengthening the Financial System," they pledged themselves "to take action against non-cooperative jurisdictions, including tax havens. We stand ready to deploy sanctions to protect our public finances and financial systems. The era of banking secrecy is over. We note that the OECD has today published a list of countries assessed by the Global Forum against the international standard for exchange of tax information"?

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

Were they also, in the view of the Congress party, acting inappropriately when they made such a strong commitment in their
communiqué at the Summit? And recall that no sooner had they issued the threat of imposing sanctions that countries which had been black-listed by the OECD that very day began declaring that they would indeed sign up on the agreement to exchange tax information, and that includes evasion. In any case, there is doubt about the figures. As is its custom, the Congress is trying to cover up the basic question of the money which has been looted from India and is lying in tax havens, by raising questions about the precision of figures
and estimates. This is exactly the kind of legalisms with which persons like Mr P. Chidambaram and other legitimizers were fielded to cover up the loot from Bofors. In its paper, "Overview of the OECD's Work on International Tax Evasion," the OECD itself lists studies that state that there are $1.7 trillion to $11.5 trillion which are today parked in tax havens. This paper of the OECD has been widely reported in the Indian press. The basic point is: even if the amounts are just a few scores of billion dollars and not one and a half trillion dollars, why should they not be brought back to India? And the fact is that other countries, much smaller countries with none of the pretensions of being a "super power, have succeeded in getting their money back. Even as of October last year, when the OECD released its paper, little Ireland had succeeded in recovering almost a billion Euros through an investigation into offshore banks.Given that even small countries like Ireland have got money back, is it not a shame, is it not an outrage that, as of yesterday, 18 April, 2009, The Times of India, should be quoting the Swiss Ambassador to India as stating on record that till now, the Swiss Government has received no request - not even a request - from the Indian Government? The real question is different:

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

This Is an Article Circulated To Me by one of the Most prominent Personality During the Period when I was passing through Cooridor of High Court Bar association and some individual of Top Intelligent Security has handed it over for My Protection. I circulate it as I know that every word written in this article has the glimpses of Truth About Indians Political situtation. No evidences are left in all such political murders, starting fromthe murder of Lal Raj Pat Rao from Lathi Blow upon his Head , Swami Sardhya Nand Swami by Rasheed, Murder planted By Jawahar Lal Nehru of Chandra Shekhar Azad in Alfred Garden for giving Information of His where About by Nehru, when he Came to Meet Gandhi in TSHRAT VILLAH of MUBARAK Ali BARRISTER KNOWN AS ANAND BHAWAN, Political Murder of Firoj Jahangir Khan Gandhi S/O Nawab Khan of Junagarh , the grooser in Ishrat Villah The HANGING of Bhagat Singh Azad Raj Guru on the Well acquittance of Gandhi, The Bisexual agent Of Britishers, The Killing of defence less Citizens in Jalian wala Bagh, The calculated Mass genocides of Hindus in Partitions, The Killing of Our Soldiers in Kashmir, Hyderabad and in Himalaya, The Kargil War Martyrs Or it may the Foist Attack on Predominant like Sardar Ballabh bhai Patel bomb threat Planted by Gandhi- nehru close affinities nexus, what the people ,now suspects for panned attempt murder threat given to him or it may be murder of Sri Shyama Prasad Mukharjee after his arrest in Kasmir by Sheikh Abdullah, the cousin of Maulana Nehru false identity having suppresion of the name of Great Grand Father of Jawahar Lal Nehru namely Mr. Gyassuddin Gazi having threat to his life from the supporters of Emperor of Dehli namely Bahadur Shah Jafar , to whom gyassuddin gazi had dragged him being the KOTWAL of BRITISHERs , be it Air Marshall Mukerjee in Japan or Lal Bahadur Shastri in Tashkent or Nagarwalla of SBI in Delhi, Deen Dayal Upadhya By Indira Gandhi, to whom Atal Bijari Bajpai proded the cover of Hiding from the citizens following the Ideals of sri Viveka Nand Ji Swarswati, Daya Nand Swarswti , Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose, Nana Bhai Dashmukh Veer Savarkar and Syama Prasad Mukharjee.

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

The Lists of Such Assisnations directly convey the hands of Foreign Countr Intelligent Secret Agency, It Maw be KGB, MOSAD, CIA, ISI Governing our Nation through Super imposed identity, be it be identit of Gandhi, Nehru , ZAKIR HUSSAIN his Son involved in hijaking the Air Force plane, in Which Air Marshal Sri Arjun Singh was traveling, FARRUKHDEEN ALI AHAMAD, Having kingpin in Bangla desi Muslims Migrations, this country is subjected to subjugation in the larger Conspiracy. Brewt Yes, belonging to top Secret Agency is the Son In Law of Mr. Man Mohan Singh and Now Our President has become Decorated Dummy Placed at the Highest Place in Our Country By No Other by Eu Pair Lady, entertaining her Customers in the Bar of England, from where she was Planted By palio Mani o- Stefano Nexus to Control Our Great Nation and Pt it to the naught of Abrogations and Subjugation, Be it Fair or the Haul infringement. The Series of political murder Committed one by one from the murder of San jay Gandhi in plane Crash, where in the Key to operate Swiss Bank Accounts were ultimately gone in the Hand of Indira Gandhi, resulting in her elimination by no other , but Sonia Gandhi by keeping Prime minister Body in the Ambesdor Car having no equipment of Medical Emergency in connivance with close nexus of Mr. R.k.Dhavan have been lying under the dark clouds about the integrity of this lady, planted by the KGB first by Russian Intelligent First and now by the CIA of Americans Intelligence, ith whon our Intelligent service namely the RAW has been Merged Completely. The Murder of Rajiv Gandhi By Lite Prabhakaran , In whose Connivance of 34 Antiques were stolen from our Nation by No other , but his Own wife Smt Sonia Gandhi Has well being established by the Close Affinities of Smt Bentica Roborto with the Lady Used for Assissnation of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. The Political Murder of Rajesh piolet, Madho Raj Sindhiya In suspicious Circumstances has came to the light and the finger of Suspicions point out the Culprit as no other than Smt Sonia Gandhi. the Murder has got the Back ground in case of Madho Rao Sindhiya was illicit relationship of this Lady, which Came to Notice Of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, when in 1980 at about 1.30 A.M. , Madho Rao Sindhya was Fully intoxicant was colluded inside the Car got the head injury lady associated in sex Namely Sanio Manio of Turin escaped, but the Student of IIT Delhi rescued him and provided the Medical assistance in Deep crisis. this Was the Same Madho Rao sindhiya , The successor of his Ansesters, who are having the blood of Anti Nationalist sPrit and Taking Advantage of their Terrorist activities in denying the hide in Rani Laxmi Bai in Gwalier,

Yogesh Saxena Advocate speaks ने कहा…

Indira Gandhi Got the Entire Jewelery being Stollen under the HIDES of INCOME TAX Department. Enforcement Wing. The list is quit eloberate and YSR Murder is also one emerged inside there. The Principle is that if you are Dishonest person, we can wipe out your Existence For Ever as the Principles of Islam and Christianity applied for their use UPON HINDUS, that once you are inside the inner circle of nexus of BRIBE, DECEIVE, DECEPTIVENESS in their identity for Sake of Money, The Betrayal from the Members of MANIO - STEFENO FAIMLY membership nexus is without default is punishable to death Penality. Why Afzal And Kasab are Safe in India? the Reason Behind this May be that The Parliamentarian Attacks and Attacks In Mumbai might have been planted By thois Faimly. Why the relatives of Roberts Vadehra Family were Eliminated one After Another, the reason is pure and simple that they refused to commit murder, robery and having deception with the Well Being Of this Nation. I Have the evidences that who as the Lady actually Planted the Murder of General Vaidhya?. The Creation of Bhiderwala and elimination of Sikhs Community was the Planning by No Other but this Lady ? DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS LADY IS SUFFERING FROM AIDS?. Who Will Be target Next? General Sri V.k.Singh Or Baba Ram Dev, It may Be Subramanian Swami, Yogesh Saxena General Secretary , Sandhya Jain, Ashok Himani Savarkar or it May Be Acharya Aaya Naresh of Udbheet Sthali at Raj Garh Near Simla