Rajiv Gandhi was 'middleman' for Swedish company: Wikileaks - Live Aaryaavart (लाईव आर्यावर्त)


प्रबिसि नगर कीजै सब काजा । हृदय राखि कौशलपुर राजा।। -- मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी। द्रवहु सुदसरथ अजिर बिहारी ।। -- सब नर करहिं परस्पर प्रीति । चलहिं स्वधर्म निरत श्रुतिनीति ।। -- तेहि अवसर सुनि शिव धनु भंगा । आयउ भृगुकुल कमल पतंगा।। -- राजिव नयन धरैधनु सायक । भगत विपत्ति भंजनु सुखदायक।। -- अनुचित बहुत कहेउं अग्याता । छमहु क्षमा मंदिर दोउ भ्राता।। -- हरि अनन्त हरि कथा अनन्ता। कहहि सुनहि बहुविधि सब संता। -- साधक नाम जपहिं लय लाएं। होहिं सिद्ध अनिमादिक पाएं।। -- अतिथि पूज्य प्रियतम पुरारि के । कामद धन दारिद्र दवारिके।।

सोमवार, 8 अप्रैल 2013

Rajiv Gandhi was 'middleman' for Swedish company: Wikileaks

New Delhi, April 08 (ANI): An explosive set of Wikileaks cables alleging Rajiv Gandhi was a middleman in the 1970s for a Swedish company that was looking to sell fighter jets to the Indian Air Force, has reeled another political storm for a Government that is already in the thick of things as far as controversies go. One of the cables, sent by the US embassy in New Delhi in October 1975, records in telegraphic language that: "Swedish Emboff has informed us that main Indian negotiator with Swedes on Viggen at New Delhi end has been Mrs Gandhi's oler (sic) son, Rajiv Gandhi. Latter's only association with aircraft industry (to our knowledge) has been as pilot for Indian Airlines and this is first time we have heard his name as entrepreneur."

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